Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems

Client: Various Clients
Time Period: 2015-Present​​​​​​​
Staff: Steve Michelson, Tyson Fulmer, Yola Bayram, Cheryl Cary
Service lines: Land
Building new and managing existing buildings are now also frequently tasked with reducing the risks to indoor air posed by underground chemical vapors.
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Systems (VIMS) are yet another focus of the local, state, and federal environmental regulatory agencies. Municipal building and planning departments are frequently placing the county or state regulatory agency on the critical path to issuance of the building permit and issuance of the certificate of occupancy.

Designing and constructing robust VIMS to reduce the short- and long-term liabilities of our client’s properties while obtaining the certificate of occupancy on schedule is our highest priority. Catalyst understands that the construction schedule and certificate of occupancy are intrinsically tied to our client’s financial model of the property.

A VIMS supporting occupancy relies on three basic steps: 1) robust engineering design; 2) thorough construction quality assurance inspections; and 3) testing both the VIMS performance and quality of indoor air. Our typical approach to VIMS is as follows:
  • Prior to development Catalyst designs the VIMS in close coordination with the developer’s architect and engineers with the goal of minimizing construction conflicts and construction delays while maximizing the effectiveness of the VIMS. 
  • During construction, Catalyst inspects and tests the VIMS elements to ensure compliance with the plans. 
  • Following construction and prior to occupancy, Catalyst tests the VIMS to ensure it functions as intended and evaluates risk to indoor air human health to support the agency’s support for timely issuance of the certificate of occupancy. 
  • During occupancy, Catalyst monitors and maintains the VIMS as required. 

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