City of Carson Stormwater Engineering Services – Collaborative Planning Process

a large plant with a flag hanging on ita large plant with a flag hanging on it
Client: City of Carson (as subconsultant to MBI)
Time Period: 2022-present
Staff: Dan Tormey
Service lines: Land, Water
Carson Department of Public Works has embarked on the development of a comprehensive Stormwater Implementation Plan to inform strategic stormwater capital planning, maintenance, operations, and program management in the City.
The plan is intended to consolidate municipal stormwater quality compliance; targeted drainage and flood improvements; operations, maintenance, and non-structural program management; and financial strategy. The plan must also provide clear linkages to active/multi-modal transportation and other capital programs and shall be informed by interdepartmental stakeholder input. Catalyst is a subcontractor to Michael Baker International on this assignment, bringing our technical, regional, and local knowledge base to the team as we review key written products.

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