Harvey Diversion Fish Passage Improvement Project

Harvey Diversion fish passage in Santa Paula CreekHarvey Diversion fish passage in Santa Paula Creek
Client: California Trout (CalTrout)
​​​​​​​Time Period: 2021-present
Staff: Megan Schwartz, Lindsey Garner, Hannah Donaghe, Emily Merickel
Service lines: Conservation
Catalyst is leading the CEQA/NEPA analyses and environmental permitting for the removal of the long-standing fish passage barrier at the Harvey Diversion in Santa Paula Creek.
Removing the barrier would allow endangered southern California steelhead to utilize productive and designated critical habitat in Santa Paula Creek and allow transfer of course sediment downstream. Catalyst prepared a draft Habitat Conservation Plan for the proposed project for Section 10 consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service. Catalyst also prepared environmental documents for CEQA coverage for the project under the State Restoration General Order (WQ 2022-0048-DWQ), Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement notification, and Section 404 permit.

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