Steve Michelson HeadshotSteve Michelson Headshot

Steve Michelson


Technical Director
Mr. Michelson brings nearly four decades of experience to resolving environmental liabilities for clients in the private and public sector. Providing solutions to developers that allow building occupancy on schedule is a key focus. His experience ranges from rather straightforward corner service station or dry cleaner to complex interdisciplinary problems at military bases to controversial challenges at mercury mines and petroleum spills. Mr. Michelson experience extends to dredging and beneficial reuse of sediments for Ports, marinas, the Department of Water Resources, and the Army Corps. As a degreed geologist and civil engineer and licensed contractor with considerable remedial earthwork experience, he consistently offers creative yet pragmatic solutions to complicated problems. Regulators and clients appreciate and respect his approach to problem solving. Geographically, Mr. Michelson’s experience ranges from New England to Alaska to the New Mexico, with most of his experience in California.
His professional background includes designing and implementing a variety of investigations to determine the source, extent, risks, and remedial options. Strategies that limit his client’s exposure and time to closure while maximizing the cost effectiveness are key elements of his service to clients. Providing vapor intrusion mitigation systems, especially for developers, is a key part of his practice.

As a prior business owner for over 25 years, Steve is quite respectful of his client’s economic goals and constraints. He will develop alternative solutions that respect his client’s economic goals, be it cash flow constraints, or hastening the time to problem resolution to achieve timely occupancy for developers.


  • California Professional Geologist (No. 5165)


Lehigh University: B.S. Geology and B.S. Civil Engineering

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